Flat Tire is coming back!
We're thrilled to announce a partnership
with See Beyond Studios to bring you a new original TV series highlighting our vibrant Indo-Caribbean culture
while simultaneously challenging and redefining the ways
a village 'shows up' for new parents and each other.
Click the link for more on how you can be a part of this journey! https://gofund.me/2507916c
Hi! It's DebbieAnn Seemungal, - actress, writer, and filmmaker - and I am thrilled to announce the launch of the groundbreaking TV show, 'It Takes Ah Village.' This exciting venture comes to life through collaboration with Alisha Persaud from Flat Tire Productions, who will be joining us as the show's director. As an actress who has grappled with the challenge of finding roles that truly resonate with my experiences, I took matters into my own hands to create something meaningful. When I shared my vision with Alisha, the magic truly began. Together, we aspire to introduce something special by highlighting the vibrant Indo-Caribbean-American culture while simultaneously challenging and redefining the ways a village 'shows up' for new parents and each other." The ultimate goal, once this project is complete, is to create an outstanding show concept that can be pitched to producers, investors, streaming platforms, and TV networks in hopes of securing the necessary investment for the entire series. Here's a bit more about the show...

MY INSPIRATION: Three years ago, as I joyfully welcomed twin boys into my life, my journey into motherhood unexpectedly took a turn into postpartum blues. Despite being known as a vibrant soul that embraces life's toughest moments with a smile, the challenge led me down a lonely alley, struggling in silence. Once better, I vowed to share my experience with new parents to prepare for what may come, and today, I'm sharing it with the world.

ABOUT THE SHOW: "It Takes Ah Village" is an innovative and heartfelt series seamlessly blending drama and comedy to illuminate the journey of an interracial West-Indian & Caucasian couple (Reshma & Alex) on the verge of parenthood. Fueled by questionable advice from their well-meaning but overbearing village of family and friends, Reshma grapples with concerns about body changes and career impacts, while Alex worries about how their marriage will change and taking on the role of the sole breadwinner. Add the to mix Reshma’s Trinidadian mom, whose traditional mindset brings further complexity and hilarity - and Reshma's brother Vishal, who is battling depression and cultural hypocrisies that threaten to disrupt his future. Each character's narrative sheds light on suppressed struggles, prompting reflection on judgment and analysis of the people in our own lives. Against the colorful backdrop of the Indo-Caribbean heritage and tradition, we raise critical issues often brushed aside by society such as postpartum struggles for both parents and healing from childhood and generational trauma. We reveal the dichotomy of a society that champions acceptance and support on a broader level but harbors biases and prejudices within the intimate confines of one's own family. "It Takes Ah Village" goes beyond being just a show; it aims to become a guiding light, illuminating paths toward healing that will positively impact generations to come as we learn how to cultivate the right villages for ourselves.
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