Frankie Sooknanan
“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes.
Because for those who love with heart and soul
there is no such thing as separation.”
~ Rumi
April 5, 1980 - August 3, 2014

We lovingly dedicate this page to the memory of our founder & director, mentor, friend and "brother" - our dear Frankie Sooknanan - who passed away suddenly on Sunday, August 3, 2014 from a massive heart attack.
We invite you all to share your memories, stories of your experiences with Frankie, or just to express your sympathies to his family and friends.
Submit below or email us at FlatTireProductions@gmail.com
with the subject "Remembering Frankie" at we'll periodically update this page with your submissions.
"Five Words for Frankie "
Open invitation to be a part of this series of video tributes
On Aug 3rd, 2014 the world lost a great soul, a man who touched you with his creativity and sense of humor whether you knew him for five years or just five minutes. We at Flat Tire Productions invite any-and-everyone to pay tribute to Frankie Sooknanan through a video series titled "Five Words for Frankie." In five words, sum up what Frankie meant to you, film it (cellphone, camera, anything) and email it to FlatTireProductions@gmail.com; we'll compile and post regularly. We look forward to sharing your videos and thank you for always supporting us.

"Meh Name Sundar"
Artwork by Chris Persaud

To share your memories email us at FlatTireProductions.com and we'll post for you.

Inspired by Old Spice Commercial spoof
Artwork by Ameer Bacchus
© 2024